'The CEB is the sole supplier of electrical power in Mauritius. The mandate of the utility is to prepare and carry out development schemes with the general object of promoting, coordinating and improving the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity to the island'.

Over the years, the CEB’s substantial investment in generating capacity, transmission and distribution infrastructure has guaranteed a reliable and regular supply of power to the population and all sectors of the economy, thereby enabling the socioeconomic development of the country.

Today, the role of the CEB must be viewed in the context of the aspirations of a rapidly growing nation. The provision of reliable, abundant and affordable electricity is not only a commercial undertaking, but has become critical to the dreams and hopes of Mauritius. The CEB, as a state-owned enterprise, has a much wider role to play in addition to the supply of electricity. It has to support the country's growth and development aspirations while taking on board its sustainability concerns. It must equally ensure that nation remains an attractive investment destination.