CEB places a lot of importance on customer satisfaction
The CEB aims at providing a world class utility service by ensuring efficient and effective delivery of service within a warm and pleasant atmosphere. Its vision is to deliver a unique experience to customers whenever they visit CEB walk-in centers. The CEB has set up fifteen branches in different regions around Mauritius and one in Rodrigues so that it is closer to its customers.

All planned outages are communicated to the public through the media and CEB website.
Moreover, customers can avoid the hassle of long queues to settle their CEB electricity bills, by adopting new payment channels, such as SMS, direct debit, online banking and Point of Sales. These innovations ensure a high level of customer satisfaction.
CEB offers a quick customer and delivery service
All customer contacts throughout the island are managed by the Customer Services and Interactions Section. This regroups 15 walk-in Centres, 3 stand- alone Cash Offices, and the 130 Helpdesk.
The response time to the requests of customers is a very important aspect of delivery service and requires close monitoring. Key Performance indicators (KPIs) have been set up to that effect. One KPI indicates the average number of days between an application being lodged at the CEB and the first site visit to the customer's premises. A second KPI indicates the average number of days between payment being made for a new supply and the effective connection to the CEB grid.